Datasets in ROOT format

This section shows a simplified filter where to download the samples. You can filter by the collection, if recorded data (derived) or MonteCarlo (simulated), and some physics categories.

For a RAW view of the repository of the files 13 TeV dataset per collection, go here.


DescriptionNamelink to ZIP file
events selected with at least one lepton (electron or muon) and exactly one large-Radius jet (R = 1.0)1largeRjet1lep5.5 Gb
events selected with exactly one lepton (electron or muon). This is a very large collection, so, it was divided into three ZIP files1lep17 Gb, 20 Gb, 21 Gb
events selected with exactly one lepton (electron or muon) and exactly one hadronic-reconstructed tau1lep1tau1.3 Gb
events selected with at least two leptons (electron or muon)2lep24 Gb
events selected with exactly three leptons (electron or muon)3lep1.0 Gb
events selected with at least four leptons (electron or muon)4lep427 Mb
events selected with at least two photonsGamGam1.5 Gb

Individual files

You can browse the repository and identify individual collections and the content here.


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