General capabilities of the released 13 TeV Open Datasets

The publicly released 13 TeV Open Datasets can be used for educational purposes with different levels of task difficulty.

At a beginner level, one could visualise the content of the datasets and produce simple distributions. An intermediate-level task would consist of making histograms with collision data after some basic selection. Advanced-level tasks would allow for a deeper look into the ATLAS data, with possibilities of measuring real event properties and physical quantities.

A non-exhaustive list of possible tasks with the proposed datasets include:

  • comparisons of several distributions of event variables for simulated signal and background events;

  • finding variables that are able to separate signal from background (jet multiplicity, transverse momenta of jets and leptons, lepton isolation, b-tagging, missing transverse energy, angular distributions);

  • development and modification of cuts on these variables in order to enrich the signal-over-background separation;

  • optimisation of the signal-over-background ratio and estimation of the purity based on simulation only;

  • comparisons of the selection efficiency between data and simulation.

Advanced-level tasks might include:

  • derivation of production cross sections and masses of objects;

  • reconstruction of the objects (quarks or bosons) by assigning the detector physics objects (jets, leptons, missing energy) to the hypothetical decay trees;

  • estimation of the impact of other sources of systematic uncertainties (luminosity uncertainty, b-tagging efficiency, background modelling) by adding approximate and conservative values.

  • a test-bed for new data-analysis techniques, e.g. kinematic fitting procedures, multivariate discrimination of signal from background and other machine learning tasks.


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