Dataset details

Dataset Details

An important aspect of the data samples is that they were prepared specifically for educational purposes. To this end, precision has been traded for simplicity of use. The introduced simplifications are:

  • No facilities to estimate systematic uncertainties have been included as these quickly introduce large complexities.

  • The b-tagging scale factor is computed for a specific working point (MV1@70% efficiency). The user, however, is free to specify the b-tagging weight used for tagging jets allowing for a potential mismatch of the definition considered in the scale factor calculation and the one being actually applied.

  • No QCD simulated samples were prepared as they would have been insufficient in statistics while introducing large set of additional samples.

  • The description of the \( W \) boson properties in simulated \( W \) + jets events is not ideal. Corrections are only available for samples produced with the Monte Carlo generator Alpgen but not for those produced with Sherpa generator. However, using Alpgen would have introduced a prohibitively large number of samples. Sherpa was therefore used.

  • The missing transverse momentum was calculated using the object preselection. A recalculation of the missing transverse momentum is not implemented into the tools provided for simplicity reasons. Therefore, changes in the object selection are not reflected in the missing transverse momentum leading to potential mis-modeling of variables relying on it.

  • The simulated data takes into account the pile-up and vertex position profile of the whole 2012 data taking, although the measured data is taken from a small list of runs from period D. This introduces a certain mismatch regarding the number of vertices and the primary vertex position.

Details of the available simulated Monte Carlo datasets

The datasets have been reduced in size to optimise the storage requirements. The available number of events in the samples is given in the column N events, which is after the preselection cuts.

The factor FE denotes the filter efficiency for a given sample and \( f_k \) is used for rescaling the leading order estimate to next to leading order in perturbative QCD.

The following samples represent about 6.5 Gb.

processDataSet IDGenerator\( \sigma \)*FE [pb]\( f_k \)L [\( fb^{-1} \)]N eventssize/Mb
ttbar -> l + X117050PowHeg+Pythia114.511.226.2361500000291
ttbar -> Jets117049PowHeg+Pythia96.351.285.027251705.7
single top t-chan top110090PowHeg+Pythia17.521.0524.2115000021
single top t-chan antitop110091PowHeg+Pythia9.41.0643.2315000015
single top s-chan110119PowHeg+Pythia1.641.107167.7310000015
single top Wt-chan110140PowHeg+Pythia20.461.0928.5015000026
Z+Jets ee147770Sherpa1207.41.02810.087500000938
Z+Jets mumu147771Sherpa1207.41.0289.637500000918
Z+Jets tautau147772Sherpa1207.11.02811.0875000093
Drell-Yan ee M08to15173041Sherpa92.151.045.9540000057
Drell-Yan ee M15to40173042Sherpa279.191.047.22750000100
Drell-Yan mumu M08to15173043Sherpa92.081.051.9350000074
Drell-Yan mumu M15to40173044Sherpa279.21.041.01750000103
Drell-Yan tautau M08to15173045Sherpa92.121.027.1399931.5
Drell-Yan tautau M15to40173046Sherpa279.111.049.54323934.5
W+Jets enu with b167740Sherpa140.341.112.33375000086
W+Jets enu with jets, bveto167741Sherpa537.841.19.5632600000296
W+Jets enu no jets, bveto167742Sherpa102951.11.9718000000722
W+Jets munu with b167743Sherpa140.391.111.93575000084
W+Jets munu with jets, bveto167744Sherpa466.471.110.5822500000287
W+Jets munu no jets, bveto167745Sherpa103681.11.7197500000666
W+Jets taunu with b167746Sherpa140.341.118.24510000013
W+Jets taunu with jets, bveto167747Sherpa506.451.19.82125000031
W+Jets taunu no jets, bveto167748Sherpa103271.11.94555000055

The \( Z' \) and Higgs samples represent a further 150 Mb.

processDataSet IDGenerator\( \sigma \)*FE [pb]\( f_k \)L [\( fb^{-1} \)]N eventssize/Mb
Z' -> ttbar [ 400] GeV110899Pythia4.2591.023.48183074.3
Z' -> ttbar [ 500] GeV110901Pythia3.9251.025.48197374.7
Z' -> ttbar [ 750] GeV110902Pythia1.2431.080.45210515.3
Z' -> ttbar [1000] GeV110903Pythia0.3941.0253.81206495.5
Z' -> ttbar [1250] GeV110904Pythia0.1391.0719.43192745.5
Z' -> ttbar [1500] GeV110905Pythia0.05241.01908176955.4
Z' -> ttbar [1750] GeV110906Pythia0.02111.04739159495.1
Z' -> ttbar [2000] GeV110907Pythia0.008941.011186144554.9
Z' -> ttbar [2250] GeV110908Pythia0.003941.025381133894.7
Z' -> ttbar [2500] GeV110909Pythia0.001801.055556127234.5
Z' -> ttbar [3000] GeV110910Pythia0.0004341.0230415123874.3
gg-> H-> WW-> llnunu ; M(H) = 125 GeV161005PowHeg+Pythia6.4631.032.1310000014
VBF H-> WW-> llnunu ; M(H) = 125 GeV161055PowHeg+Pythia0.8191.0229.9310000018
gg-> H-> ZZ -> 4l ; M(H) = 125 GeV160155PowHeg+Pythia13.171.014.3110000015
VBF H-> ZZ -> 4l ; M(H) = 125 GeV160205PowHeg+Pythia1.6171.0104.9610000019


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