
Welcome to the Automated Infrastructure Deployment Tool! Did you ever wonder how to obtain a working, multi-user analysis environment for your students or your group? This page will guide you step by step in the setup of a JupyterHub (JH) hosted on a Cloud instance, and will provide an overview of few notebooks solutions, to implement both standalone or in combination with JH.

Here you have an advanced tool that allows anyone to deploy his/her own JH. Why anyone? Because no particular skills are required, it is sufficient to have a basic knowledge of the linux bash terminal, and access to a cloud provider onto which host the whole infrastructure.


Now, let’s dive into the fundamental features of the tool: (if you don’t care about the theory, just jump to the dashboard and start deploying!)

  • Notebooks flexibility: your JH will not be bound to a specific notebook. We do provide a standard notebook, but if you have your own notebook image available on a registry, you can effortlessly deploy it. This allows both great customizability, and the possibility to exploit JH for different analyses (not only ALTAS Open Data, but also ML applications, etc..)
  • Persistency of data: your work will not be lost at the end of the session, neither you will have a timeout for your notebooks. Data, plots and results are always saved and accessible.
  • External/shared volumes: if you have a big dataset, it is crucial to be able to share it with the users without having each of them to download the data.
  • Speed: this infrastructure is fast: the deploy time of the whole environment is of the order of 10 minutes (it only happens once); once JH is up and running, users will be able to obtain their notebook in a matter of seconds.


The deployment process relies on two fundamental services: Docker and Terraform. Docker provides the modular layout of the infrastructure, enabling most of the above-mentioned features; together with agility and flexibility, thanks to the containerization, Docker also provides lightness to the whole environment. On the other hand, Terraform ensures the automation of the JH deployment. Below it is shown a flowchart of the deployment process.

Single user solutions

Container images for Jupyter notebooks

Jupyter notebooks are the core of the analysis effort of ATLAS Open Data. Here we present a notebook built on top of the latest scipy version, in which we embed the installation of the ROOT framework used at CERN, available in both python and C++ kernels. Other versions of the notebook are in development, in order to gradually increase the analysis potential of this tool. You can run the notebook both standalone or in combination with the JH infrastructure descripted above. Try it out on your pc by simply running the following docker command:

docker run -it --rm -p8888:8888 atlasopendata/root_notebook:latest

Then access the notebook via the browser by pasting the url provided by the terminal. It should be something like (The token will be different for you)

To access the notebook, open this file in a browser:
    Or copy and paste one of these URLs:

Virtual Machine(s)

ATLAS Open Data also provides a virtual machine, which allows you to test the 13 TeV ATLAS Open Data on your own host machine.

Take a closer look to our resources:

Container repositoryVirtual Machine


Deployment dashboard

Just select the cloud provider that tickles your fancy (i.e. of which you actually have a working account), and follow the instructions!

AWS instanceOpenStack@CERN instanceGoogle Cloud instance